Download gin made with blackthorn
Download gin made with blackthorn

download gin made with blackthorn

The values of length, mass, diameter, geometric mean diameter and sphericity of wild plum fruit were established as 28.14 mm, 15.33 g, 30.16 mm, 29.47 mm and 1.04, respectively. Also, technological properties such as length and diameter of fruit, unit mass, volume of fruit, geometric mean diameter, sphericity, bulk density, fruit density, porosity, projected area, terminal velocity kernel and pulp mass, static and dynamic coefficient of friction were measured at 20.65% moisture content. Mineral content of wild plum growing in Turkey were determined by an inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometer (ICP-AES). The moisture, ash, crude protein, crude oil, crude fibre, pH, acidity, water soluble-extract and mineral contents of completely ripe fruits were investigated. Nutritional and technological properties for the design of fruit processing machines were determined for wild plum fruit, at a moisture content of 20.65% (d.b.).

Download gin made with blackthorn